Like many employees, you may keep track of your hours so you know what to expect on your paycheck. It's nice when the amount of your pay exceeds your expectations, but you may want to get to the truth if you end up getting less than you feel you earned. Part of this...
Protecting The Rights Of Workers
Throughout California
Year: 2019
Has your employer wrongly classified you as exempt?
You may already have enough to remember about your job. Whether you have been employed for years or you are a new hire, there are plenty of rules and regulations, policies and best practices to learn. What you may not realize is that your employer has an additional...
California workers need to know when their working conditions are illegal
Naturally, most people are grateful and excited when they get hired for a new job. Or, if you were promoted to a new position at your current workplace, you probably approach your new duties with a greater sense of responsibility and willingness to succeed. But...
What are the 2 most common wage and hour violations in California?
The situation would seem simple enough: you work for an employer, and you're supposed to get paid fully for the work you do. But the reality is that many people in California are unlawfully underpaid. While California law offers some of the strongest employee...
Are you owed compensation for denied meal and rest breaks?
It's more common than most people realize: employers fail to provide employees with meal and rest breaks. In fact, if you're a nonexempt employee in California, state law requires your employer to provide you with uninterrupted meal and rest breaks. Sometimes...
Does someone else know you are being harassed at work?
If you are the victim of sexual harassment on the job, chances are you are not suffering alone. Even if you are the only person the harasser is targeting at your workplace, the mistreatment may be creating a tense atmosphere for others around you. More importantly,...
Caregivers are significantly underpaid in California
When most people think of caregivers, they imagine employees who dedicate their time to helping others. But when most employers think of caregivers, they see dollar signs. It's a significant problem in California where many caregivers are overworked and underpaid....
When is resignation actually wrongful termination?
Everyone has a bad day at work once in a while. You may even feel like you have more bad days than good days at your place of employment. Maybe it's just a phase that will pass, or it could be something much more serious. If your bad days at work are unbearable, you...
Has your boss wrongly classified you as exempt?
How often have you stayed at work past your scheduled quitting time? You may be able to calculate many hours a week that you should be spending with your family, but instead, you've had to finish projects or take care of other tasks. Unfortunately, your paycheck never...
Are ‘on-call’ workers owed rest and meal breaks in California?
In a word: yes. If you're a nonexempt employee, California employment law requires your employer to provide you with uninterrupted meal and rest breaks. If your employer has denied your right to meals and paid rest breaks, you could be owed significant meal and rest...