If you believe your employer is failing to pay you all you are owed, the first important thing to do is know your rights. California has some of the strongest legal protections in the world for workers. Here are some basic things to understand: 1. Overtime pay should...
Protecting The Rights Of Workers
Throughout California
Year: 2022
Is using your phone for work a convenience or an unpaid wage problem?
Under California law, employees have specific rights concerning meal breaks and rest breaks. Many employees don't understand these rights, and some employers take advantage of that. One way this happens is by requiring workers to respond to phone or walkie-talkie...
California overtime laws that employees should know
Employees in California are entitled to certain rights regarding work hours and pay, including payment for overtime hours. California employment laws provide some of the strongest protections in the world for employees. If you suspect that your wage and hour rights...
What information will you need to file a wage theft claim in California?
If you have not received the wages your employer owes you, you can file a claim to recover them. You must complete this process within a certain timeframe, and an employment law attorney can provide more information about that, as well as represent you in your wage...
California Supreme Court: Missed meal and rest breaks are wages
The Supreme Court of California recently ruled that missed meal and rest break premiums are wages. Additionally, unpaid wages must be paid retroactively to the employee, or else the employer can face fines and other consequences. The ruling helps to ensure that...
California fast food workers claim rampant wage theft
California saw new wage laws take effect in early 2022. However, in spite of them, which result in hefty penalties against employers for wage theft, fast food workers claim they are owed thousands of dollars. What’s the situation with the fast-food industry? The...
What is the California Equal Pay Act and how does it work?
The California Equal Pay Act was enacted decades ago to help women fight back against wage discrimination. Historically, women have been paid less money compared with men in similar jobs. The California Equal Pay Act has been amended over the years. At its core, the...
California has updated its wage and hour laws
The state of California has updated some important laws regarding wages and employment. These new updates are designed to give employees more leverage to collect wage and hour awards. The updates will also make it much harder for employers to resist paying workers...
The evolving employment classification of rideshare drivers in California
Opportunities for ridesharing and food delivery jobs continue to increase, and rideshare drivers make up a growing portion of the American workforce. Rideshare drivers are generally classified as independent contractors, but in California and other parts of the...
Hostile work environments: What every employee in California should know
Many instances of workplace harassment are due to the bad actions of a single employee or manager. But in a broader sense, it's often the workplace culture itself that allows the harassment to happen. In many cases, the workplace culture even encourages harassment or...