Do you work outside in California? You have probably experienced some extreme heat and air quality challenges during your work day in the summer. However, California adopted new heat safety regulations for employers to provide to their employees. This is what you...
Protecting The Rights Of Workers
Throughout California
Harassment & Discrimination
Hostile work environments: What every employee in California should know
Many instances of workplace harassment are due to the bad actions of a single employee or manager. But in a broader sense, it's often the workplace culture itself that allows the harassment to happen. In many cases, the workplace culture even encourages harassment or...
Discriminatory wage practices in California: Understanding your options
The California Equal Pay Act makes it illegal for employers to pay employees less on the basis of their sex or gender. Still, on a national scale, women make 79 cents for every dollar made by men for doing the same jobs. Employees in California need to be aware of...
Does someone else know you are being harassed at work?
If you are the victim of sexual harassment on the job, chances are you are not suffering alone. Even if you are the only person the harasser is targeting at your workplace, the mistreatment may be creating a tense atmosphere for others around you. More importantly,...
Criminal records shouldn’t lead to mistreatment at work
Having a criminal record in this nation has been a tarnish that could affect someone's employment, housing and educational opportunities for a lifetime. However, as unemployment has reached an all-time low in recent years, California has taken initiatives to help...